What is a Sacred Circle?
Both teaching yoga and running a yoga business create a "sacred circle" of energy between teacher and student. Through the sacred circle, the cycle of giving and receiving is a continuous loop. In this way, the giver and receiver become interchangeable in harmonious coexistence, much like the yin/yang symbol. Everyone is continuously nourished and no one is depleted. In the sacred circle, students are inspired by the teachers and in turn, teachers are inspired by the students.
I bring this up because many yoga teachers by nature are "people pleasers" who make choices that break the sacred circle. This can lead to poor leadership in the studio because you are catering to one pushy person instead of supporting what is best for the whole community. Eventually, you may experience burnout because you'll end up continuously giving without a reciprocal receiving. You'll be burned out at best and resentful at worst.
The Wisdom
I drew upon the wisdom of the sacred circle whenever I was faced with a question or request from a student that was against policy (these usually pertained to refunds, extensions, or discounts) or was just plain unusual (like could we lock their gun inside our safe, or was it ok for their dinner order to be delivered to the studio during class so they didn't have to go pick it up afterwards). Or maybe it was a complaint, which could be about anything from the music, the essential oils, the teachers, other students, and everything in between.
When faced with unexpected requests or complaints, the knee-jerk reaction of the people pleaser or inexperienced leader will be to submit. But submission without thought is rarely the best choice.
The sacred circle helped guide me because I could gauge pretty quickly if this request would benefit or harm the greater good.
Was this request within the boundaries of the give and take established between teacher and student?
Or was it stepping outside the circle and breaking the loop by taking advantage of me, the studio, and the other students?
Yes, let's lock that gun up so it isn't out and accessible to anyone!
No you can't have food delivered here, the front desk manager has other responsibilities to attend to during the class and I don't want the studio smelling like take-out.
Congratulations on your new military post overseas. Sure, we can transfer your remaining 8 months from your paid in full annual pass to your yogi friend here at the studio.
One of the greatest compliments our studio manager Giselle observed of my methods was that I was always fair. I didn't play favorites and I had reasons why I said yes or no that didn't seem personally connected to the asker. The sacred circle guided me.
Wisdom in Action
Use the sacred circle to help you set policy, hire new teachers, add classes, and interact with your staff and students. Over time, on the spot decision making will become easier. You'll find creative solutions for tough problems when you approach them from a state of grace.
The sacred circle helps create consistency in your decisions and builds trust with your students and staff members. It can also help you define your core values as a teacher and help you learn to trust yourself.
In Closing
Clarifying your own image of a sacred circle for yourself, your yoga students, and your studio will make the challenging and awkward decisions easier. You'll be more creative because you're choices continuously nourish instead of drain. Everyone around you will benefit.
Try it out for yourself! Please share your success in the comments section and share this post with any yoga teachers you believe could benefit.
Lara has revealed to me how to live a life that is pure, nonviolent, truthful, and modest.
- Stephanie Waters, Yoga Teacher