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Honoring International Women's Day through Yoga

Writer's picture: West Wind YogaWest Wind Yoga

I first heard about International Women's Day in 2016. My yoga studio manager at the time, Giselle, told me that in the small town in Italy where she grew up, women received yellow flowers all day long wherever they went out that day. She said the women saved their errands, like grocery shopping or the post office, for this day, just so they could collect their flowers. One of our students overhead us and brought in flowers to celebrate International Women's Day with us!

We didn't know anything about the activism or women's suffrage movement behind the day. In case you don't either, keep reading to learn more about the roots of the day, modern relevance, and how to celebrate through yoga!

A Brief Summary of the History of International Women's Day.

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated every year on March 8th as a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women throughout history. The day has its roots in the women's suffrage movement and the fight for women's rights. In 1911, the first IWD was celebrated in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland, and it has since spread to become a global event.

However, the history of IWD goes back even further. The first National Women's Day was celebrated in the United States in 1909, and in 1910, Clara Zetkin, a German feminist, proposed the idea of an International Women's Day at the second International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen. The first IWD was celebrated the following year, and it has been observed annually ever since.

One of the most popular symbols of IWD is the mimosa flower. In Italy, it's customary to give yellow mimosa flowers to the women in your life on March 8th. The tradition dates back to the 1940s when the flower became a symbol of the day. At that time, Italy was suffering from the aftermath of World War II, and the mimosa flower was one of the few plants that could grow in the ravaged landscape. The yellow flowers became a symbol of resilience, hope, and strength in the face of adversity, and their association with IWD has continued to this day.

The theme for IWD 2023 is "Choose to Challenge," a call to action to challenge gender bias and inequality. Today, IWD is an important day to celebrate the progress that has been made towards gender equality and to acknowledge the work that still needs to be done. We can recognize the contributions of women to society and raise awareness of the challenges we still face. From the gender pay gap to gender-based violence, there are many issues that affect women around the world. IWD is an opportunity to bring these issues to the forefront and to work towards a more just and equitable world.

Honoring IWD with Yoga

In the yogic tradition, the divine feminine is honored and revered. Yoga practice is a balance and harmony of the masculine and feminine energies within, often referred to as Shiva and Shakti in the yogic tradition, and as yin and yang in the Taoist tradition. Shiva represents the masculine energy, and is often associated with qualities such as strength, competence, and stability, but also power and destruction, in order to make way for new growth. Shakti represents the feminine energy and is associated with qualities such as creativity, intuition, and nurturing.

The practice of yoga is designed to help us wake up our shakti energy within. Through yoga, we learn to cultivate qualities such as compassion, love, and empathy, which are associated with the divine feminine energy. Shakti energy has the power to open the energetic channels to light up all of our chakras and connect us to universal oneness through the crown chakra.

In Closing

As we celebrate International Women's Day, let us remember the women who have fought for our rights, the men who have stood with them, and the progress that has been made. Let us also recognize the work that still needs to be done and commit to being part of the solution.

We can start by creating change from within, focusing on ourselves on the yoga mat. Practice not only balances our own internal energies, yoga opens the energetic channels so that new perspectives, ideas, and the motivation to implement them, has room to flow and therefor power to manifest.

By embracing both the masculine and feminine energies within us, we are able to tap into our full potential as human beings. We are able to live our lives with greater purpose and meaning, and to make a positive impact on the world around us. With the combined energies of masculine and feminine, stability and creativity, strength and compassion, we can continue to learn and grow. We can find solutions to problems through choices that benefit everyone and create a more equitable world.

Next we can makes changes from without, through volunteer organizations or community involvement. For example, I'm a member of the local Rotary Club whose pillars of service include supporting women. Our service projects and fundraising efforts support both local and international initiatives for programs that support women, and by extension, also children and families, creating stronger communities.

We have so many options to get involved, work together, and support one another to create a more just and equitable world for all. But the work always begins from within. May yoga pracitce continue to guide us to choose love and take action that benefits all beings.

I hope now you have more information and insights to help you honor and celebrate International Women's Day on your yoga mat and beyond!




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