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Fall into Practice: Seasonal Yoga Quiz

Writer's picture: West Wind YogaWest Wind Yoga

Can you feel that energy shift? The fall equinox is here, ushering in autumn and once again shifting the seasonal energies that surround us and move within us. We are departing the comfortable stability of late summer and entering inward, reflective energy of fall.

Following the 5 element cycle, fall corresponds to the Metal element. The rhythmic pattern of the 5 elements can be found reflected everywhere we look - in nature, in our own behavior, and even in our yoga practice. As a yoga teacher with years of Taoist studies under my belt, I use 5 Element wisdom to guide my lessons, find understanding and motivation, and enrich the yoga practice for the students who come into my life and classes. The autumn's Metal element has much to teach us.

Today's blog introduces fall energies as embodied by the Metal element. Learn how your personality and yoga practice is subject to these unique seasonal qualities and energetic attributes. Fall into practice with the seasonal yoga quiz below!

In Theory

Metal season in yoga is two fold. First, it symbolizes the force that encourages us to let go of our yoga practice expectations. I love seeing students enter this phase.

  • A freedom enters their yoga practice where they finally breathe deeply, moving with confidence through the postures.

  • Like autumn leaves, the weights of expectation and comparison that can drag down the joy of yoga practice finally dry up and blow away.

  • Outward distractions, like comparison to the yogis around us, dissolve in this phase.

  • Inward refection becomes more prevalent and practice becomes more personally motivated and meaningful.

  • Students are able to more easily move their focus inward during this phase.

Perhaps you've felt this yourself? It's the palpable embodied feeling of the goodness of your practice.

Next, the Metal phase of yoga practice brings lightness onto the mat, a gentle self-compassion mixed with gratitude for being present with yourself. Any void left behind from letting go of outward distractions readily fills up with the priceless gems we harvest from a consistent yoga practice:

  • inward refection

  • stillness

  • mindfulness

  • peace

  • self-love

  • gratitude

  • quiet

  • strength

In Practice

Physically, the Metal element connects to the lungs, so we can literally breathe easier in this phase. Postures where we once struggled become effortless. The routine of attending class takes on a welcome weightlessness. We experience a shift that seems to have happened overnight, yet took hours of dedicated mat time and focused intention. We become reflective, like a smooth metal surface or mirror. We can finally see where we started and how far we've come.

This perspective shift marks the transition into the Metal phase of yoga pracitce: the rewards, the gems that embody the undeniable mind, body, and soul benefits of yoga, finally reveal themselves and we shine from the inside out.

Time to Fall into Practice: Seasonal Yoga Quiz

Metal Element Yoga & Personality Quiz!

Read on to discover how you personally embody Metal element attributes in your personality, yoga practice, and lifestyle!

How Dominant is the Metal Element in Your Personality?

5 "Yes" or "No" Self-discovery Questions:

Go with your gut here, and answer "yes" or "no." No overthinking!

  1. Do you value precision and attention to detail?

  2. Do you communicate well with words?

  3. Do you set high standards for yourself and others?

  4. Do you often feel a sense of detachment or distance from others?

  5. Do you have a strong sense of purpose and direction in life?

If you answered "yes" to most of these questions, then you may have a dominant Metal element personality. Clarity, focus, and determination are Metal personality attributes. People with a strong Metal element tend to be disciplined, organized, and analytical. They tend not to hold grudges and can more easily navigate discomfort and change course than other elemental personalities.

A well-balanced dominant Metal personality type can map out a plan of action from an array of choices, stay on course without distraction, and motivate others who tend to lose focus or lack direction. Out of balance, a dominant metal personality can be sharp-tonged, aloof, and lack warmth, so be mindful of how these personality tendencies can impact those around you if this sounds like you!

Does the Metal Element Rule Over Your Yoga Practice?

5 Yes or No Questions to Find Out:

  1. Do you prefer a yoga practice with precise alignment cues and attention to detail?

  2. Do you enjoy sharing your practice with your yoga community? For example, setting up your mat front and center rather than tucked away in a corner, or enjoying posting your practice accomplishments on social media.

  3. Can you easily stay focused and present during your yoga practice?

  4. Do you value the transformative aspects of your yoga practice?

  5. Do you enjoy getting both constructive corrections and/or compliments on your practice from the yoga teacher, fellow class mates, and your yoga community?

If you answered "yes" to most of these questions, then the Metal element is a driving force in your yoga practice. Incorporating Metal element qualities in your yoga practice can help cultivate discipline, focus, and determination, connecting you with your sense of purpose and transformation on the yoga mat. You can also positively motivate your yoga community by embodying leadership and transformation possibilities for those around you.

Out of balance and in excess, too much of the Metal personality on the mat can bring out excessive introspection to the point of paralyzing self-criticism and a lack of joy in your practice. Be reflective, but compassionate. Remember to recognize your accomplishments and enjoy the rewards of the yoga goals you've worked so diligently to achieve. Stay humble.

If you answered "no" to most of these questions, allow yourself space to bask in the shine of your yoga achievements. This can be done privately through self-reflection and doesn't have to be shared with your community. Learning to recognize your achievements and enjoy reaping the benefits from your mat on the mat. Slow down, notice how far you've come and all the ways your practice has positively improved your lifestyle.

In Conclusion

We each encompass traits of all 5 elements, with certain elements more dominant than others. Use this knowledge to help guide choices, recognize patterns, and understand the boundaries and comfort zones we've created on the yoga mat and beyond. An elementally guided yoga practice serves as an entry way into the uncharted areas of self-discovery and as a mapping system for personal self-understanding.

In the coming weeks, we will explore how the autumn season and the Metal element's time of high energy can amplify our yoga practice and awaken our unique inner wisdom. Join me on Asana Insights in the coming weeks to explore and welcome fall energy and embrace the harvest season.




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